Why Is Integrative Medicine So Powerful?
At Arka Health, we believe that health is wealth... and that everyone deserves vibrant health. Unfortunately, the conventional medical system wasn't designed for creating & maintaining vibrant health... it was born out the need for acute care interventions (think fractures, car accidents and the like). In a time where chronic wellness issues threaten to bankrupt millions of families and entire countries, we need an altogether different approach that cost-effectively addresses the underlying factors that create disease... without expensive and toxic prescription drugs that merely mask symptoms. This new approach is called integrative medicine. In fact, it's actually not entirely new... it's how medicine was practiced 4000 years ago. What's new is that we have brought advanced lab testing and a keen systems-biology approach to medicine – which is short for looking at the body as a system of interconnected organs that need to play in perfect sync to function optimally. That's what coined the term "Integrative Medicine", because ultimately, it's about restoring proper function to all the body's systems. A good analogy is your car: For your car to get optimal mileage, you need to maintain it consistently: Change the motor oil, change spark plugs, keep it shined to prevent rusting, take it to the body shop when the "Check Engine" light is on, fill it up with the appropriate fuel. That's exactly how to approach your body with integrative medicine... it's not about what to do when your body is broken, it's about maintaining proper health in the first place, and prevent the body from breaking down.